Dear Readers, December is here, but while “Jesus is the reason for the Season”, each year it seems the focus becomes the ringing of cash registers rather than church bells. Do your holiday shopping with an Italian connection: *** …
The Roman Empire was the largest empire in classical antiquity, and among the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military forces of its time. At its zenith in 117 AD, it covered 6.8 million square kilometers and held sway over …
Dear Readers, November notes with an Italian connection: Thanksgiving Day is celebrated the fourth Thursday in November, since it was so fixed by President Lincoln in 1864. The custom dated back to the day of Thanksgiving set aside by the …
While American youngsters put their shoes outside hoping that Saint Nick will leave them goodies, six-year old Filippo Brienza of Bologna put his shoes on to go see the Zampognari play. He waited all year for the beginning of December …
Christmas is in the air. In the U.S. as well as in Italy, decorated trees and nativity scenes show up everywhere, inside the houses and in the streets. In Altadena, California, the Christmas Tree Lane – Santa Rosa Avenue – …
Cosimo I de’ Medici (1519 –1574) was one of the most important members of the Florentine de’ Medici family. He was the second Duke of Florence from 1537 until 1569, and eventually became the first Grand Duke of Tuscany. If …
Natale è alle porte, è giunto il tempo di allestire luccicanti alberi natalizi (una consuetudine tipicamente nordica) ma anche di preparare, con metodica cura e precisione, tradizionali presepi. C’è chi è combattuto, da sempre, fra la scelta dell’albero di Natale …
The portrait of “La Bella Principessa” (“The Beautiful Princess”), also known as “A Young Fiancée”, is an extraordinary portrait in colored chalks and ink on vellum paper, representing a young lady from Milano in fashionable costume and hairstyle of the …
Una vita per difendere i diritti civili e diffondere i valori della cultura italiana in America. E per la professoressa Maria Fosco, nata a New York, figlia di emigranti di Orsogna (Chieti), è arrivato un prestigioso riconoscimento in occasione del …
Spending the holidays with your group of Italian friends, you should be aware of the fact that they’ve most likely started planning New Year’s Eve celebrations at least a month in advance. In fact, Capodanno – the Italian word for …