La vita italiana

There are great love affairs that permeate the ages: Anthony and Cleopatra, Rhett and Scarlet, Samson and Delilah…Everyone and Pasta.  There’s something almost magical about digging into a heaping plate of piping hot noodles slathered in tangy red sauce…or pudgy …

The very fact you’re reading this article right now means you are or feel connected in some way to Italy and that you, very likely, love this amazing country. Sure, it’s far from being  perfect, but what place really is?  …

Rome: caput mundi, the Eternal City, the cradle of Western culture as we know it (without forgetting Athens, of course!). A city made of history and art, spirituality and, well… controversy.   Those among you who follow the Italian news …

The relationship between caffé and the city of Naples can only be called love. La tazzulella di caffé is the way Neapolitans welcome the day, recharge throughout  it and show friends they enjoy their company. It is the occasion to …

Every child grows up with a favorite fairytale and it’s not always a polished Disney iteration of some traditional story nor, in fact, a classic like Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid or Hansel and Gretel. At times, our childhood …

The purity and beauty of Venetian glass is known worldwide: a precious and ancient tradition that speaks of quality, beauty, elegance and creativity. At the heart of Venice’s artistic glass production is the tiny island of Murano and it’s there …

We of L’Italo-Americano are great supporters of traditional knowledge and heritage, and it really couldn’t be any different. For Italian-Americans, maybe more than for European Italians, discovering and appreciating their origins and family history is not only a moment of …

We all know when and how the American continent was discovered — let us not delve into the unnerving diatribe about “discovering” vs “conquering” here: there’ll be a lot of that around Columbus Day, in October. It was the Fall …

Elegant, complex, beloved…Italy’s Negroni cocktail is celebrating its one-hundredth birthday this year. Despite its centenarian status, the 1:1:1 ratio recipe of equal parts gin, vermouth, and Campari is a modern bartender and patron favorite and has inspired spin-offs of dizzying …

I think that speaking with an artist is always, always an honor. And for this reason, I was truly delighted and — I  must admit — quite excited, by the idea of interviewing Flavia Pittalà, one  third of DADAme Artisti Decoratori …

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