There is an authentic piece of Torino, Italy in Seattle, located at 422 Yale Ave N in South Lake Union, named (not by coincidence) Caffè Torino. Celebrating their second anniversary this October, Caffè Torino is a gem in our Emerald …
It was between September of 1991 and May of 1992 when Seattle Mayor Norman Rice and Perugia Mayor Mario Valentini signed a pact of friendship between their cities and since then that relationship has grown stronger and stronger. The origin …
If you have ever wondered about the origin of the name P-Patch, you are not alone. The “P” stands for Picardo, the involuntary founder of the marvelous community garden project in Seattle area. When Ernesto Picardo, with his two brothers …
Italy lovers and fans: sign up your calendar! The 27th Annual Italian Festival is coming up from September 27th to September 28th at Seattle Center. Like every year, walking in the beautiful open space at the foot of the …
“L’italiano è più di una lingua, è un modo di vivere e di pensare. Riuscite ad immaginare un mondo senza l’italiano? Noi no.” When I read this powerful quote by Dante Alighieri, my thoughts were drawn to the numerous …
Annual events and city festivals mark the holiday season and bring a familiar rhythm to autumn. There is one in particular event that Italian transplants, Italian-Americans and Italian culture lovers mark on the calendar come every November: “Cinema Italian Style” of …
It is not the title of a book or a movie, but a real, tangible, expanding library at Gelateria D’Ambrosio in Capitol Hill. Biblioteca Italiana Seattle (BIS), is a non-profit organization of volunteers who are creating a library of Italian literature to …
If you are Italian, there is a very good chance you know the story of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples. A man of unwavering Christian faith, he was known for his generosity, especially to the needy. The Romans …
This year Dante Alighieri Society of Washington marks an incredible achievement for 30 years in divulgating la bella lingua through the Italian language program. Created in 1984, the language program has provided Italian classes to thousands of students interested in …
Ask any Italian in Seattle about the topic of pizza and it will certainly cause a fair amount of debate. Some of us have our favorites, our guilty pleasures and some might say good pizza outside of Italy doesn’t exist. …