San Francisco

Fred Kuwornu is a true humanitarian documentarian, and while you wouldn’t know it from his last name, an Italian national drawn to giving disenfranchised subjects a voice through his lens. His latest triumph?   “18 ius Soli,” a documentary comprised …

By Staff

Did you know that an Italian castle clings to Telegraph Hill?  And, this one was created and owned by Italian immigrant Julius’ Roz and designed by Italian architect Louis Mastropasqua. If you walk up to 302 Greenwich Street where it …

The Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco, in collaboration with the Archivio Cavellini in Brescia and LYNCH THAM in New York City, presented “GUGLIELMO ACHILLE CAVELLINI 1914-2014”, a survey exhibition covering two distinct bodies of Cavellini’s work between 1966 and 1990, curated by …

“Scopri il meglio del web basato sui tuoi interessi”. È questo il messaggio con cui si presenta ai suoi utenti Theneeds, la startup di origine italiana la quale ha da oltre un anno la sua base a San Francisco, nella …

By Staff

“Discover the best of the web based on your interests”. This is how readers are welcomed on-line by Theneeds, the company “Made in Italy” based for over a year in San Francisco, within one of the most important startup accelerator for …

On Sunday, March 23, the Museo Italo Americano was packed to the limit with a Standing Room Only crowd. The occasion was the 20th Anniversary of the 1994 opening of the WWII exhibit, Una Storia Segreta: When Italian Americans Were …

Marcia Gagliardi knows food.  And San Franciscans know her.  In the past eight years since launching her e-newsletter and website Tablehopper, Gagliardi has been tirelessly working, digging, frontiering—nay, battling—to expose the Bay Area’s best-kept culinary secrets.     But don’t …

La cantante italiana Roberta Gambarini, fra le voci più note nel panorama musicale internazionale, è tornata ad esibirsi a San Francisco, città da sempre all’avanguardia del genere jazz negli Stati Uniti.   Celebrata in tutto il mondo da appassionati, critici …

By Staff

Nel mese di marzo mentre nelle sale cinematografiche americane viene proiettato il colossal moderno del mito eterno di Pompei, l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di San Francisco ha inaugurato la mostra dell’artista Ferdinando Ambrosino “Da Cuma a Pompei”, ispirata all’antica città …

By Staff

This question is at the heart of a very live debate taking place in San Francisco today, as the city goes through what some would like to call a wave of “creative destruction”, unleashed by the tech boom that has …

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