San Francisco

Come da tradizione, la ricorrenza della Festa della Repubblica italiana a San Francisco si è celebrata in concomitanza con l’evento “Italian Opera Day at the Park”, appuntamento annuale presentato in cooperazione con l‘Italian American Community Services Agency, il coordinatore del …

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On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, award-winning Italian theater actor Massimiliano Finazzer Flory stopped off at San Francisco’s Legion of Honor on his latest American tour to perform his self-directed Gran Serata Futurista—a tribute to thought leaders of the early 20th …

Upper Grant Avenue Street Fair, North Beach Fair, and most recently, North Beach Festival, have all been used to describe the two day happening that occurs every year in June on the streets of San Francisco’s beloved North Beach. Throngs …

Dopo aver debuttato ai Festival di Toronto e Roma nel 2013, il film “Il Sud è Niente” del regista Fabio Mollo sta continuando il giro del mondo di importanti festival nel 2014 passando per Berlino, Tokio, Barcellona, e da poco …

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Cacao. Along with peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and corn, this strange bean was introduced to Europe from the Americas. Cacao differed from those other items, pedestrian staples of the indigenous MesoAmerican diet, in being reserved for the elite – Mayan royalty …

Dall’Italia alla Baia di San Francisco per far conoscere il nostro paese a bordo di una bicicletta, capace di trasportare il conducente alla scoperta virtuale di alcune città italiane.   È questa l’innovativa missione della start-up italiana Virtual Bike, espositore …

By Staff

The 2014 session of the Scuola Italiana offered by Middlebury College, one of the oldest academic program in North America, will be held at Mills College, California, starting the next month of June. This summer the courses designed for new students in …

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On May 10th, 2014, San Franciscans turned out in numbers for the opening of the new North Beach Library.   Crowds gathered at 850 Columbus Avenue under bright, sunny skies eager to experience their new public space.     The …

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La Delegazione di San Francisco dell’Accademia Italiana della Cucina ha celebrato recentemente il 30º anniversario dalla fondazione della prestigiosa istituzione culinaria nella Bay Area.   Fondata a Milano nel 1953 da Orio Vergani e designata Istituzione Culturale della Repubblica Italiana …

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Coit Tower, a North Beach landmark, reopened on May 14, 2014 after being closed to the public for six months of extensive renovation and restoration work.  The ceremonial festivities began at 11:00 amidst an enthusiastic crowd of admirers and dignitaries. …

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