
The Italian migration in the US. Understanding history to understand each other The story of Italians in the US is incredibly fascinating, as well as intricate and too often generalized and ignored. It’s the story of a brave population who …

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Valeria Golino con “Kryptonite” illumina la premiere del New Italian Cinema   La serata inaugurale del festival “New Italian Cinema 2012”, arrivato alla sua 16^ edizione nella città di San Francisco, ha mantenuto le attese registrando il tutto esaurito e …

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 One of the questions I have most frequently been asked since being appointed to the Italian Cultural Institute is: What kind of commitment does Italy adopt in promoting its culture abroad and how difficult is this task in a world …

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Each year the Patrons expand their cultural mission and knowledge by attending a ‘VIP’ tour of one special exhibit within the Getty’s extensive collection.   This year was no exception, as 22 members gathered on Sunday April 15, to view …

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The America Lodge of La Habra has been committed, over the years, to putting on events that feature world-class entertainment found in their very own backyard.  In fact, it has cultivated these entertainers and made them their own by bringing …

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New Audiences for Italian: Learning a language through Intercomprehension One of the factors that have to be taken into consideration when teaching a language is the ethnic reality, an element that can turn into a plus if used the right …

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Mr. Jonathan Moscone is currently in his 12th season serving as Artistic Director of California Shakespeare Theater, organization that has its base in Berkeley.   A renowned director, he has received an Award by the Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation …

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“There can be no future for Italy outside the Euro”. An interview with the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco Last week, L’Italo-Americano presented the first in a multi-part interview with the Honorable Mauro Battocchi, Consul General of Italy in San …

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In Italia si concentra il maggior numero di siti UNESCO nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità.   Nessuna sorpresa; il nostro Paese è conosciuto in tutto il mondo per la sua storia, le sue tradizioni, la sua cultura. Quello che …

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Ciak si gira! L’edizione 2012 di Cinema Italian Style promette un viaggio tra la passata, brillante Italia dell’epoca di Cinecittà e le attuali questioni sociali che agitano la penisola.   Il Festival ha preso il via il 13 Novembre all’Egyptian …

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