Los Angeles
Vent’anni di carriera segnati da continui successi e da un pubblico sempre più numeroso: ora o mai più, si sarà detto Biagio Antonacci. Il cantautore milanese ha deciso di lanciarsi sul mercato americano con il suo ultimo album, Sapessi Dire …
The history of Los Angeles interweaves with the history of the Italians much more than most of us can imagine. And if we Italians had the chance to learn about our immigration to the U.S., or we heard stories …
La tradizione culinaria del meridione si fa strada in California, grazie alla collaborazione tra Regione Calabria e Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West per il programma di promozione del Sistema Calabria in California. Circa venti le aziende che hanno aderito …
The Italian Cultural Heritage Foundation of Santa Barbara announces two new appointments with Cinema Italiano Classico, the series of Italian films open to all the Italian film lovers! For 2013, the organization has chosen a mix of genres that goes …
Benvenuta primavera e Buona Pasqua! L’arrivo delle vacanze pasquali ci permette di dedicare del tempo alle cose importanti della vita, come il trascorrere del tempo con la famiglia e gli amici, e il guardare i bambini mentre cercano i loro …
Ambassador of Italy to the United Stated Claudio Bisogniero will be visiting Southern California in April, for his second official mission since last Fall. His presence here will honor the success received by the many initiatives for the 2013 – …
As Italians, we brought to the U.S. many customs and traditions, and we keep honoring them as our ancestors used to do. But do we know where those traditions come from? Some of them are quite new, while some others …
The Patrons of Italian Culture announce the establishement of the “Albert J. Casola Prize” Continuing their long standing commitment of funding for worthy students of Italian descent, the Patrons of Italian Culture are pleased to announce the establishment of the …
The knights of Columbus John J. Shea Assembly 0081 will celebrate their 50th anniversary and honor Richard Contreras The Knights of Columbus John J. Shea Assembly 0081 will be celebrating their 50th anniversary honoring past faithful Navigator Richard Contreras on …
The first appointment with Fazioli Piano Series was hosted by the IIC in Los Angeles last March 17. The initiative, launched by the Italian Cultural Institute, gets its name from the Italian company that produces grand and concert-grand pianos, worldly …