Los Angeles

SACRAMENTO – The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) approved the Southern California based Fondazione Italia as an assessor agency for teaching credentials in Italian language instruction at its August 2013 meeting.   Fondazione Italia, located in Los Angeles, CA, is a non-profit …

By Staff

It seems such a long time since when we tasted a real Italian gelato. Or perhaps we just miss it too much, as only ten days passed from the “L’Italo-Americano” Ferragosto party at Casa Barbera. One of the sponsors of …

On Sunday, August 17 from 5 pm Mr. and Mrs. Barbera opened their home to their guests to celebrate the Italian feast of Ferragosto, which originates from the Christian tradition honoring the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and at the …

By Staff

When some people’s career, and life, literally “takes off” we may think it is only a matter of fortune: they were in the right place at the right time. Nevertheless, in most cases this wouldn’t be enough, as it takes …

By Staff

In 2013, the Year of the Italian Culture in the United States, the relations between the two countries in the field of science and technology are among the most covered with a series of events taking place throughout North America. …

By Staff

Nonostante le nuove potenze emergenti come la Cina e l’India si stiano impegnando fortemente per colmare il divario, gli Stati Uniti d’America rimangono ancora oggi ai vertici dello sviluppo tecnologico, con centri di ricerca all’avanguardia come il Jet Propulsion Laboratory …

By Staff

At Spectrum Languages Learning Institute based in Orange County, CA, students are encouraged to speak their newly acquired language skills and interact with the teacher and classmates rather than just focus on memorization or repetition. “I can watch soccer,” Nadia Dorsey, …

Si è chiusa pochi giorni fa la mostra al J. Paul Getty Museum dedicata alla scoperta dei giardini rinascimentali e della loro storia attraverso le immagini di manoscritti illuminati.   Sia che adornassero grandiose ville o il retro di umili …

On the occasion of Ferragosto celebrations at Casa Barbera, we met the representative of Italian coffee in Los Angeles, Matteo Pasquini, and learned about his family business while enjoying a delicious cappuccino.    Let’s start from the beginning… In 1955 …

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Serata dedicata al cinema d’animazione quella di giovedì  22 agosto all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles che ha ospitato la seconda edizione del festival ItaliAnimation, organizzato in collaborazione con la fondazione Cinema Without Borders, l’Art Institute of California – …

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