Los Angeles

Marta Ciccolari Micaldi has been teaching American Literature classes in Turin, Italy for some time now.  Along with Claudio Morrano and Federico Giacomelli, Marta has been able to take her classes on literary tours to the United States called Book …

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Fausto Roma (Ceccano, 1955), is a rare example of painter, sculptor and visual artist, who despite extensive travels along the years, has decided to live in his hometown, not far from Frosinone, capital of the geographical region of Ciociaria. Fausto …

The Bridge Art Exchange Building in Santa Monica opened a little over a month ago on December 12th in collaboration with the Bice Bugatti Club Italy, the solo exhibit of Franco Marrocco, professor and director of the prestigious Academy of …

During the past ten years, Los Angeles-born rock guitarist, Dweezil Zappa (September 5, 1969), has put aside his own songwriting. Instead, perhaps also responding to a primordial impulse inscribed into his Sicilian DNA, he has been zealously honoring his father, …

John Fante (April 8, 1909 – May 8, 1983) was an American fiction writer and screenwriter. He was born in Denver, Colorado, to his father, Nicola Fante – emigrated to the States from Torricella Peligna (small town in Abruzzo) – …

Elena Manferdini, acclaimed architect and designer, grew up in Bologna, capital of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy. Somehow the urbanistic eclecticism and theatrical quality of the landscape, made of medieval towers as well as a vast web of porticoes, must …

Francesca Cavallo and Elena Favilli are the founders of the Timbuktu project, the first digital magazine in the world for young children and totally Italian. Francesca was born and grew up in Taranto, studied in Milan where she got her …

By Staff

In order to grasp the scope of the unique musical event, to be hosted at the Walt Disney Concert Hall on January 20th, we need to go back to 16th century in Venice, Italy. Back then, numerous charitable associations, composed …

By Staff

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Frank Sinatra, or simply The Voice, one of the most influential figures in the entertainment business. Francis Albert Sinatra was a true artist; movie singer, movie actor, he was one …

It seems like fate has bestowed more than just the first name to Donati (13 April 1933) and Leone (3 January 1929 – 30 April 1989), both named Sergio and born in Rome, four years apart from one another. Together …

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