Luca Signorini

The Romans are known for their ingenuity: aqueducts, road systems, daily newspapers, cement, sanitation, elements of social care, welfare and our modern legal system all come from them. That’s without even taking into account their military and tactical know-how. However, …

Carnevale is here! It’s a time of joy, feasting on delicious food and enjoying your friends’ company, possibly dressed up in fun costumes. The Italian tradition of Carnevale is renowned around the world: who isn’t familiar with the Carnevale di …

Italian cuisine is known worldwide for its authentic and traditional products. However, in recent years, the Italian-sounding phenomenon has posed a threat to genuine Italian goods. It’s not uncommon to see “Italian” items, complete with Italian names and symbols, but with …

Much of our heritage and old traditions are associated with specific moments of the liturgic calendar: once upon a time, religion and the natural passing of seasons were all people needed to keep track of days and months. As a time …

Underground tunnels, burial sites, places of worship, hiding spaces. Catacombs have been all that throughout their history. Many cities – the older the better, of course – have some sort of underground networks of passages and chambers, some more famous …

The history of cereals goes hand in hand with that of Humankind, especially here, in the Mediterranean basin, where they have always been part of our food triad. Along with olives and the vine, and the products they’d give us …

Italy is known for its art, architecture, cuisine, and natural beauty, but often we forget how some of its most iconic landmarks are streets that for centuries offered locals and visitors a way around our cities, or represented a destination …

Valle d’Aosta is known for its beautiful mountains and for the ancient Roman heritage of its most important town, Aosta. Architecture and history lovers, however, are probably also familiar with its majestic castles: according to 19th-century Piemontese playwright and historian …

If you’ve been to Rome, you know the Eternal City loves her cats. The cat colony at Torre Argentina is world-famous, and visitors to the Colosseum, or the Fori Imperiali can testify their presence is well-established in these two famous archaeological symbols of …

The Petruzzelli Theater in Bari is the fourth-largest opera house in Italy and one of the most important, with La Scala in Milan, La Fenice in Venice, the Regio in Turin, the San Carlo in Naples and the Massimo in …