barbara minafra

Oltre 500 immagini tra fotografie, album, video di 200 grandi fotografi italiani e internazionali e artisti anonimi: The MAST Collection – A Visual Alphabet of Industry, Work and Technology”, curata da Urs Stahel, è la prima grande esposizione di opere selezionate …

The focus is on Tokyo, but Italy still has the Wembley final in the eyes. A magical night that filled our hearts with joy and new hope for the future, and our streets with too many people who, quite simply, …

A symbolic act. The David – the emblem of Florence, of the Renaissance, of aesthetic perfection, and an icon of world art – is shrouded in a black cloth, through which we can barely perceive its harmonious proportions. A bit …

Azzurri mai così vincenti. L’Italia saluta Tokyo 2020 con il record storico di 40 medaglie (10 ori, 10 argenti e 20 bronzi), e un posto nella top ten del firmamento agonistico mondiale. Con il primato di podi tra i Paesi …

We are between 1547 and 1555. Michelangelo sculpts the Pietà in a single large block of white marble. It depicts the Virgin and Mary Magdalene receiving the body of Christ, deposed from the cross by the elderly Nicodemus. Buonarroti, in …

Happiness, triumphs, and pain are always green, white, and red in Italy, just like the colors of the flag. Our beloved Tricolore that, for 225 years, has been flying in every village and city in the country, on every public building from …

The inauguration, on the 28th of September, of the Academy of Motion Pictures Museum, designed by Renzo Piano, was the occasion chosen by Ambassador of Italy to the United States Mariangela Zappia for her first visit to LA. Ambassador Zappia, …

Oscar-winner Nicola Piovani defines him as “a great exception to all rules.” “The most creative music cinema has ever had,” adds Bruce Springsteen. Giuseppe Tornatore’s documentary Ennio, presented out of competition at the last Venice Film Festival and currently in cinemas across Italy, has just won …

“I’ve killed a hell of a lot of people to get to this point, but I’ve only one more. The last one. The one I’m driving to right now. The only one left. And when l arrive at my destination, …

Talent may be an innate gift, but the ability to nurture it, use it and challenge it comes from willpower. And intelligence is not simply one’s ability to acquire knowledge and adapt it strategically to new situations and complex problems. …