The 16th century Vasari Aqueduct in Arezzo To Reopen Soon
The Acquedotto designed by Artist Vasari (ph: acqualab)

The ancient aqueduct located off of Arezzo and designed in the 16th-century by Italian artist and art historian Giorgio Vasari is set to reopen, filling with water the fountain in the main square of the Tuscan town

The Local governmenet will invest 350,000 euros and the works would start by the end of June. The aqueduct was built at the beginning of the 17th century on the basis of designs by Vasari, who died in 1574.
Arezzo, which first developed in about the sixth century B.C.E., was in origin one of the most prominent cities of ancient Etruria.  After falling into the orbit of Rome, Arezzo became, by the first century A.D., the center of the largest and most important pottery manufacturing industry in the Roman Empire.  
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