Rome by night. Image by Mauricio A. from Pixabay

According to the Washington Post, there are 12 places which are the most photographed in the world. They used the Tanel Tammet’s SightsMap, which collects data from Panoramio, a geo-location photo-sharing site owned by Google, to map the world’s most photographed places. As for Italy, Rome, Venice, and Florence are the places where people love to take pictures.

Rome ranks as the second-most photographed city in the world, especially with the Trinità dei Monti, a Roman Catholic church that stands above the Spanish steps and the Piazza di Spagna. These are the steps where Audrey Hepburn eats gelato in “Roman Holiday”.

Venice has been ranked as 6th and the most photographed spot in the very-photographed city of Venice is Ponte dell’Accademia, a bridge that spans the Grand Canal and offers stunning views of the Italian city.

Finally, Florence is ranked at 8th out of 12 places and Piazzale Michelangelo is known as the spot to capture an incredible panoramic view of Florence, a Renaissance capital of art and architecture.

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