…and most important recipe books, wants it paired with polenta, a perfectly earthy dish to feed farmers and lumbermen. Frico is a typical dish made in the Friuli Venezia Giulia…

…in missioni di pace. Decine di migliaia di alpini, in 82 anni di storia del Battaglione, inquadrati nel glorioso reparto, ma anche formatisi nel Battaglione di addestramento reclute della Brigata…

Want t discover a small yet beautiul town, with a nice atmosphere and even nicer people? When visiting Lombardy most people concentrate on larger, more popular places like Milan, Como

…It was an exquisite event at the Casta Diva resort, packed with activities for the guests, sumptuous dinners, and different entertainment every night. We enjoyed a tour of Bellagio, cooking…

di Sinatra che non lo perdonò. Dopo anni di triste declino fisico e mentale, Dean morì per enfisema il giorno di Natale del 1995. Sepolto nel cimitero di Westwood in…

Let’s not mistake Gorgonzola with blue cheese or Roquefort which, in spite of being its moldy cousins, are much different. Gorgonzola has gone a long way since it was born,…

disclaimer: China is an amazing place, its economy blossoming, its culture rich and its people incredibly friendly. I have never been there, but I have friends from my college years…

…and boilers for locomotives were built – and the Royal Dockyard in Castellammare di Stabia (on the Bay of Naples) – the oldest shipyard in modern terms, established in 1783…

By Staff

…Par – The Movie, directed by Pepsy Romanoff and Piazza Vittorio, directed by Abel Ferrara. The Festival’s TV showcase also included: Taodue’s top shows Rosy Abate, directed by Beniamino Catena…

By Staff

…miliardi in sei mesi (nei primi sei mesi del 2017) di cui 7,8 miliardi di export e 8 miliardi di import. Le prime regioni per export sono Lombardia (1,6 miliardi),…

By Staff