Pilgrims and Pope Francis Welcome Relics of San Padre Pio in Rome
The Statue of Saint Padre Pio (Photo credits: art976 - Riccardo on Flickr)
As reported by the Vatican radio, on Saturday morning Pope Francis greeted members of “Padre Pio” Prayer Groups, who are in Rome to pray for the great saint, which have been translated to St. Peter’s Basilica and are there exposed for veneration by the faithful in connection with the ongoing Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
San Padre Pio was a Capuchin friar with a worldwide reputation during his earthly life as a mystic and miracle-worker, who was also a tireless confessor and laborer in favor of the poor, the sick, and the downtrodden. The Pope also encouraged the participants to continue in their imitation of Padre Pio, as apostles of prayer and as helpers of the sick and needy – and thus to continue to give example of the great love that builds up the Church, when Christians take and practice seriously the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
News by RadioVaticane.va
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