Visiting The Colosseum Next Summer: What's New
Inside the Colosseum (ph: Saïmonn on Flickr)

According to the legend, on April 21, Rome was founded by the mythical Romulus, who killed brother Remes in order to become ruler and founder. They calculated that the city was founded in 753 BC, that is, 2,768 years ago, a date that archaeology suggests was roughly correct. Since then, from the first a small Latin village, it became the capital of a giant Mediterranean empire, then a bit of a ghost town dominated by the Pope, before finally becoming capital once again of a reunited Italy in the 19th century. 

This year, Rome celebrates its 2768th birthday with parades and other events all around the city. One of the symbol of the Eternal city is the bronze she-wolf and symbol of Rome “Lupa Capitolina” which is now at the Capitoline museum.

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