The Italian Heritage Month's celebration in Los Angeles is very rich and sure to satisfy every appetite, culinary, artistic and cultural. © Kosobu |

La Festa della Liberazione represents the Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy from the Nazi occupations as well as the Anniversary of the Resistance. It is a national Italian holiday commemorating the end of the second world war.

While the date has been chosen by convention, because it represented the moment when the National Liberation Committee of Upper Italy officially proclaimed the insurgency in a radio announcement, by May 1, all cities in Northern Italy were liberated, including Bologna (April 21st), Genoa (April 23rd), Milan and Turin (April 25th), and Venice (April 28th). The liberation put an end to the twenty years of fascist dictatorship and five years of war.
It symbolically represents the beginning of the historical journey which led to the referendum of June 2, 1946, when Italians chose to become a Republic, which was followed by the adoption of the republic’s Constitution of Italy in 1947.
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