Photo: Cammeraydave/Dreamstime
Applied Nuclear Energy Laboratory: Lena. A research center of the University of Pavia, in Northern Italy, the Applied Nuclear Energy Lab manages a nuclear reactor, a cyclotron for the production of radioisotopes and other sources of ionizing radiation. It is at disposal of researchers of the Pavia Athenaeum and others, for public and private tests. The center, which encourages the transfer of results from the theoretical field of nuclear technologies to practical applications, has just tested “Wow”.
As the name suggests, this is an extraordinary discovery.
“Wow-Wonderful Water” is a process for decontaminating radioactive water. Today, in Fukushima, Japan, 25 thousand cubic meters of water are purified per month, and the extracted radioactive elements are confined in 5 thousand cubic meters of toxic mud and residue. “Wow” makes it possible to clean the same quantity of radioactive material without producing radioactive mud or other byproducts. The results have not only thrilled the scientists, but also enterprises and specialized operators, who smell an enormous potential business.
“Wow” began two years ago, almost by chance, when engineer Adriano Marin, a Padoan researcher, working in his home garage (just like many other famous inventors) built the prototype of a portable “potabilizer” aimed at saving African villages from the worst effects of drought. The device was able to separate water molecules from any other element: muds, metals, pollutants of any nature, including radioactive atoms. Small as a clothes washer, the instrument purifies radioactive water without using filters or chemical substances.
After two years of studies, “Wow” arrived at the Lena Lab, which has operated a small nuclear reactor, known as Triga, since 1965. After three tests over a few months, the experts have managed to purify water strongly contaminated by a radioactive solution, Radiocesio, the same radionuclide of Fukushima.
The most recent experiment has lasted forty days, and has succeeded in reducing by 7.500 times the concentration of radioactive Caesium in the water. It has also reduced the volume of the wastewater to be stored.
What is Wow? “A thermodynamic trial of evaporation. The rest is top secret, covered by a world brevet”, Marin limits himself to commenting. Around his prototype was born a start up of twelve shareholders, who have believed in the project since before its proof of success, and shared with the inventor, before the possibilities of profit, dreams and hopes that this washer could represent for the environment. Many believe it will be the discovery of the century.
The technology turns any kind of water into drinkable water, treating any source of polluted or dirty water, eliminating bacteria, viruses, protozoans, faecal pathogens, parasites, toxins, any contaminants, disease vectors, and any water pollution.
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