Photo: Dreamstime

Trade fairs, demonstrations, master-classes, workshops, films, lectures, galas and special events aimed at showcasing individual Italian territories and the protection of DOP products are all parts of the rich program coordinated by the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles for the First Italian Cuisine in the World Week (November 15-23), a new promotional initiative of the Italian Government to highlight Italian quality cuisine abroad.

«The launch of the “Week” represents an important combined effort of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation and of MIPAAFMinistry for Agricultural Policies, Food and Forestry», Consul General Antonio Verde stated, adding that «in Los Angeles “Sistema Italia-Team Italy” (Italian Cultural Institute, ICE Trade Agency, ENIT Italian National Tourist Board, and the Italian American Chamber of Commerce West) has joined forces with the Italian Academy of Cuisine and local Italian restaurants who have earned the Marchio “Q” and “AIC” trademark of excellence distinction. We have in store a special treat for this City, the world capital of cinema: for the entire week the restaurants will feature menus inspired by famous Italian films.»

The link between cinema and cuisine in Los Angeles will be further strengthened by the contemporaneous happening of one of the prime annual events dedicated to the best of our cinematography production: Cinema Italian Style, organized by Luce-Cinecitta`. It will also be the occasion to officially introduce Hollywood to Gianfranco Rosi’s “Fuocoammare”, Italy’s entry at the 2017 Academy Awards. 

Star Chef Cristina Bowerman, President of the Association of Italian Ambassadors of Taste, is tasked with translating the ideal blending of the two events into an unforgettable culinary experience. As the Consulate General’s special guest for the “Week”, she joins us from Italy thanks to the support of MIPAAF, ICE Agency and Consorzio del Grana Padano. Chef Bowerman has created the special menu celebrating the synthesis of flavors and creativity , of Italy’s excellence in the culinary and cinematic arts for the Cinema Italian Style Gala.

Cristina Bowerman will also be starring, with Los Angeles based Italian Star Chef Antonio Murè (Barrique Restaurant), at the reception that Consul General Antonio Verde will have at his official residence to showcase prestigious DOP products. The event is part of a specific promotional campaign aimed at bringing into the spotlight the extraordinary richness of Italy’s gastronomy and at contrasting food counterfeiting and the all too common Italian Sounding phenomenon. High quality ingredients typical of the areas recently struck by a devastating quake in Central Italy will also be used as a gesture of solidarity and as a concrete help in revitalizing local economy.

Many other events, coordinated by the Consulate General, have been organized on the occasion of the First Italian Cuisine in the World Week


7/19/2016 – Documentary presentation “Amuri. Sapori Sacri della Sicilia” (“The Sacred Flavours of Sicily”) at the Italian Cultural Institute (IIC), in cooperation with Lingua Viva;

10/15/2016 – Antique Art Workshop – historic Italian cuisine – by Alex Folla, at IIC and at the Getty Museum

11/6/2016 Live culinary demo organized by Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West (IACCW) at the Barker Hangar (Santa Monica);

11/10/2016 – Conference: “The Nutrition link between Genetics and Health”, a conversation with renowned geneticist Paolo Sassone Corsi and Nephrologist Vito Campese, in cooperation with ISSNAF, at IIC.


11/16/2016 – Presentation of Italian Territories with tasting of typical dishes, organized by ENIT in cooperation with the Association Borghi più Belli d’Italia (Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages), at IIC;

11/16/2016 – Screening of the films and documentaris from “Cinecittario – La Tavola degli Italiani negli Archivi Luce – Quando l’Italia mangiava in Bianco e Nero” (Italy’s dining table through the Luce Archives – When Italy dined in White and Black), at IIC, in collaboration with Luce-Cinecittà for the opening of Cinema Italian Style (CIS) 2016;

11/16/2016 – Photography exhibit “Stefano Guindani: Recipes and photos”, at IIC;

11/17/2016Gala, with menu created by Italian Star Chef Cristina Bowerman (in cooperation with MIPAAF, ICE Agency, and the Consorzio del Grana Padano), on the occasion of the official presentation at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood of the Italian Oscar entry “Fuocammare” as part of the 2016 edition of Cinema Italian Style.

11/18/2016Show cooking and Master Classes on Italian cuisine and quality trademarks organized by IACCW, in cooperation with the Art Institute of California, Hollywood and The Cordon Bleu of Pasadena

11/18/2016 – Reception promoting DOP products and the Italian gastronomy and cinematography (with MIPAAF, ICE Trade Agency and Consorzio del Grana Padano), with Italian Star Chefs Cristina Bowerman and Antonio Murè in cooperation with Italian Academy of Cuisine (AIC), at Consul General’s residence; 

11/16-23/2016 “Marchio Qe AICcertified restaurants present menus and recipes inspired by Italian cinema, coordinated by IACCW in cooperation with AIC; 

11/19/2016 – Eating Healthy & Italian Series: Italian Gluten-Free, at IIC. Panel on gluten-free diet with nutrition experts and managers of CaliFoodItalia. In collaboration with Lingua Viva;

11/21-23/2016 – The tradition of Italian cuisine in cinema

11/21-23/2016 – Workshop and cooking classes for children organized by IIC at the 24th Street Elementary School and at “Leaps n Boundz Foundation”, in cooperation with Piccolo Chef.  


11/30/2016 – Panel discussion with agribusiness and food and environment sustainability experts, at IIC;

12/10/2016 – Eating Healthy & Italian Series: Fiber-pasta, at IIC. Interactive cooking class concerning low sugar diet for diabetics, held by an Italian chef, nutrition experts and managers of CaliFoodItalia. In collaboration with Lingua Viva;

12/11/2016 – Creativity in Italian Cuisine – Reception organized by IACCW and AIC, at the Consul General’s residence.


The “First Italian Cuisine in the World Week” is the inaugural edition of a new annual event focusing on the Italian culinary tradition abroad. The objective is to continue developing the themes successfully presented at Expo Milano 2015, and summarized in the so-called “Carta di Milano”: quality, sustainability, culture, food security, right to food, education, identity, territory, and biodiversity. Within this context, the aim is to express the highest levels of qualitative excellence. “Italian Cuisine Week” events take place during the second week of November, with a variety of projects locally planned and scheduled.

The “Week” is a joint project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, (MAECI), and of the Ministry for Agricultural Policies, Food and Forestry (MIPAAF) which also involves the private sector. Chambers of commerce, cooking schools, Italian restaurants with quality certification, professional associations and all involved in securing the highest quality in Italian cuisine are also participating. The key players are, of course, the Italian chefs: from world renowned international chefs to young students in cooking schools, their involvement worldwide is instrumental in assuring that each event is of high value and fully representative of our cuisine.

The First Italian Cuisine in the World Week is part of the activities aimed at supporting Italian agriculture and cuisine, the so-called “Food Act”. Presented on behalf of the Italian government by MIPAAF in July 2015, the Food Act is integral part of the Memorandum of Understanding for promoting the quality Italian cuisine abroad, underwritten on March 15, 2016 by MAECI, MIPAAF and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The Memorandum also established a working group, chaired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tasked with the coordination of the “Italian Cuisine in the World Week”. 

Thanks to the involvement of the 295 diplomatic Offices, Consulates and Italian Institutes of Culture that comprise MAECI’s global network, the First Italian Cuisine in the World Week will include over 1300 events in 105 countries worldwide covering a wide spectrum of cuisine-themed activities ranging from conferences, seminars, debates on the culinary Italian tradition, meetings with chefs and master classes to promotional events with local Italian restaurants, trade fairs, cooking shows and classes, tastings and themed dinners, competitions, awards, screenings of films and documentaries and theatrical representations. Concerts, art shows, design and photography, as well as mass and social media communications related to cuisine complete the cornucopia Italy is offering to the world.

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