A dinner with almost 20 thousand guests, all dressed in white, and behind it the beautiful Reggia di Venaria Reale, considered the “Italian Versailles”

The Palace is a former royal residence located in Venaria Reale in Piedmon and is one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, included in the UNESCO Heritage List in 1997.

The Palace was designed and built from 1675 by Amedeo di Castellamonte, commissioned by duke Charles Emmanuel II, who needed a base for his hunting expeditions in the heathy hill country north of Turin. The name itself derives from Latin, Venatio Regia meaning “Royal Hunt”.
The dinner has been hosted in the gardens of the residence while the historical ones are now totally disappeared, since French troops turned them into training grounds. Along with the white outfit, guests had to bring food, drinks, and the set up in order to make their night unforgettable. 
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