La vita italiana
In the 4th century AD, a man called Calpornius and his wife Conchessa were sent by Rome to Britain to serve as deacon, civil official, town councilor and generally to oversee Roman interests. Information about this couple is very sparse, …
The Italian language, as well as many others, is rich of expressions, sayings and proverbs. Whether they originated centuries ago or only recently, they reflect our culture and history, and are part of our everyday life. Many of these …
The main purpose of this article is to make the people of California, USA aware of the existence of another California, in Tuscany, Italy. “Why” and “when” the new California in Italy was founded and “who” named it La California, …
Many are the traditions and ceremonies that characterize the Easter week in Catholic Countries, from special food and recipes to the decoration of churches and religious sites. But one of the most fascinating is Good Friday, a religious observance that …
Who was this man called Joseph? Scripture tells us very little about him except to say that he was the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus Christ and that he worked as a carpenter. Saint Joseph’s Day …
Just about everyone has a favorite toy they remember from their childhood, be it a backyard tree swing, an old rag doll, or that homemade slingshot that dangled precariously from a hip pocket. For me, it was an old, beat-up …
It took a young mayor to come up with a bright idea to repopulate the ghost town of San Basile, located on the slopes of Mount Pollino in the province of Cosenza (Calabria). The online initiative was called: A home …
Home of Parmigiano cheese aims for recognition as a World Heritage Site Reggio Emilia – The Italian region of Emilia, homeland of the world-renowned Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, is aiming to obtain recognition of its “Intangible World Heritage” by the …
Nestled deep in the rolling hills of Tuscany with dramatic views of the 1,000-year-old Pierle castle and surrounding olive groves, fruit trees and ancient oaks, Borgo di Vagli is an award winning authentically and fully restored 14th century Tuscan Hamlet …
In my opinion, the most romantic and dynamic pairing of a leading man and women in the world of film, was Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni . They made 17 films together…Just saying and hearing their names titillated American audiences …