
It was between September of 1991 and May of 1992 when Seattle Mayor Norman Rice and Perugia Mayor Mario Valentini signed a pact of friendship between their cities and since then that relationship has grown stronger and stronger. The origin …

By Staff

A degree in petroleum engineering is not the usual training ground for a museum administrator. But then, Stefano Catalani, director of art, craft and design at Bellevue Arts Museum, located outside Seattle, Wash., is not your usual arts administrator.   …

“L’unione fa la forza”, is an Italian saying for “Strength in unity”, and it was the motto that Magda Codognotto, the director of “Nuovo Centro Italiano”, had in mind in 2013 when she was planning the development of an Italian …

Inspiration happens in the unlikeliest of places. It had been twenty days since Mario Esposito, a serial inventor and Microsoft engineer at that time, was going to the same coffee shop to gather his thoughts and wait for the spark …

This year Dante Alighieri Society of Washington marks an incredible achievement for 30 years in divulgating la bella lingua through the Italian language program. Created in 1984, the language program has provided Italian classes to thousands of students interested in …

Civita di Bagnoregio is one of the most beautiful hill towns in Italy. Located about 60 miles north of Rome, this stunning gem has escaped the modern age mostly because of its topography. No cars are allowed and there are …

“Promoting Italian culture through our common passion for food, literature, art, design, film, theater, dance, language and music”: Il Punto!, the new Italian cultural center in Seattle has a simple, direct and strong mission. The name chosen for this organization …

Battered and stained, its cappuccino-colored fabric stretched taut over wings and body, the 101-year-old Italian-built Caproni Ca 20 greets visitors to Seattle’s Museum of Flight. With its wood struts and a single propeller, it’s hard to believe this small, fragile …

  “Sono nato a Bukavu in Congo nel 1964”, I was born in Bukavo, Congo in 1964. Pietro Borghesi starts to talk about his life with the charm of a novelist, the spirit of an Italian from Romagna and the …

On a quiet street not far from downtown Seattle, tucked between overgrown fields and train tracks, are several drab-brown buildings with white roll-up doors. Their nondescript location belies the fact that some of the world’s most revolutionary research in automotive …

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