
The Roseway Neighborhood of northeast Portland is excited to have their own version of Little Italy opening up on the corners of NE 67th and Sandy Boulevard!     Bacchi’s Italian Delicatessen opened in 2013 and quickly became a destination …

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Luciano Ligabue, known internationally by his last name only, and as “Liga” in his home country, is an Italian singer-songwriter, film director, and writer. In Italy he represents the most renowned and credible personification of rock music over the last …

Italian has become one of the world’s fastest growing languages, as well as its related fields of inquiry into cinema, popular culture and media studies, according to the Department of European Studies, Italian Studies, at San Diego State University. Its …

In un articolo apparso sul Corriere della Sera nel gennaio 2010, il noto filologo e critico letterario Cesare Segre denunciava la crisi della nostra lingua e l’uso improprio che se ne fa nella vita di tutti i giorni, specialmente nei …

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The legendary Whisky A Go Go in Sunset blvd has recently become quite familiar with Italian contemporary music. After Luciano Ligabue, in fact, another talented artist performed on the cozy nightclub’s stage on Thursday, November 6, on the occasion of …

Andrea Algieri, lead singer of Mbrascatu, is announcing the release of their second album, Tempo.  They will be hosting a special release event at Mississippi Studios in Portland on January 2, 2015.  Andrea has come a long way since his …

Si è conclusa nello scorso mese di ottobre la prima mostra a San Francisco dell’artista figurativo italiano Bruno Pegoretti. Il pittore originario di Bologna, il quale vanta una collaborazione decennale con il Nord della California, in particolare con la città …

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San Diego’s renowned Neopolitan tenor, Rosario Monetti, will perform at the Patrons of Italian Culture’s ‘Christmas luncheon’ on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7, at the Brookside Country Club,  reports Paul Romano, Patron President.  The event will begin with a 1 p.m. social hour which …

C’è un sentimento che accomuna in questo momento il presente dell’Italia a quello della Baia di San Francisco: la voglia di rinnovamento.   Dopo settimane di grande fermento infatti, la comunità italiana si appresta a votare il prossimo 19 dicembre …

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Los Angeles isn’t just the world capital of entertainment anymore. An entire ecosystem has developed around the entertainment industry, creating new opportunities for international cooperation in the digital and technological fields.   So L.A. is now following in the footsteps …

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In Italian
All Around Italy