This story begins in San Venanzio di Galiera, a small village outside Bologna in Emilia Romagna region. Pietro Navarra – today also known as Mr. Italy – is a 10-year old boy, whose family returned to Italy after living a …
Originally from Genoa, Italy, Vanessa Beecroft is an Italian artist living here in our backyard. Born to an English father and an Italian mother, she was raised in Italy by her mother, a feminist in her own right. She studied …
“In America si vive il teatro come se fosse il cinema, uno spettacolo cui la gente assiste principalmente per divertirsi”. È la prima volta che Roberto Tagliavini – basso originario di Parma – si esibisce negli Stati Uniti, eppure sembra …
Battered and stained, its cappuccino-colored fabric stretched taut over wings and body, the 101-year-old Italian-built Caproni Ca 20 greets visitors to Seattle’s Museum of Flight. With its wood struts and a single propeller, it’s hard to believe this small, fragile …
Artists from across the United States and Mexico came together to display their creativity, art and special talents in San Diego’s 31st Annual Art Walk, bringing throngs of visitors, tourists and native Californians to the festively decorated streets of Little …
Passion for photography and art is something that can develop during somebody’s life in a totally unexpected way. Or it can be the result of a very special moment. This is the case for Vittoria Zupicich, an Italian photographer born …
On his way back from Washington, where he met with U.S. President Barack Obama, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi stopped in the archaeological site of Pompeii. While visiting one of Italy’s most unique and priceless artistic treasures, he stated that …
The Role of Italian Americans in Preserving the Character of North Beach The role of Italian Americans in the development and preservation of San Francisco’s Italian character dates back to the earliest days when thousands of Italian immigrants arrived in …
Every Christmas, Tiffany Lillebo’s Nonna Angelina made pizzelle using a pizzelle iron that had been passed down through the family for generations. “They were always such a treat,” says Tiffany. “We enjoyed them during the holidays with Nonna but we …
“Promoting Italian culture through our common passion for food, literature, art, design, film, theater, dance, language and music”: Il Punto!, the new Italian cultural center in Seattle has a simple, direct and strong mission. The name chosen for this organization …