Los Angeles
Pur nel bel mezzo del deserto, la città di Palm Springs è apparsa tutt’altro che deserta la scorsa settimana, per la precisione dal 3 al 14 gennaio, quando moltissimi appassionati di cinema e addetti ai lavori l’hanno invasa in occasione …
Inaugurata recentemente all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles, la mostra intitolata The Making of (a new) Rome – Recent Works by Roman Architects, rimarrà aperta al pubblico fino al 1 marzo 2014, per mostrare la splendida capitale italiana in …
Eager to connect more deeply with the local community, IALA’s schedule has been particularly rich in engaging events during the last week. On Thursday, January 23, the Italian American Lawyers Association hosted the “NIABA Night” at Casa Italiana, …
On January 19th, 2014, the Abruzzesi e Molisani di California celebrated their 24th Anniversary at the Castaway restaurant, beautifully located at the top of a hill in Burbank. Approximately 100 members, relatives and friends were delighted to participate to such …
In July 2014, a new association was founded with the aim of protecting the interests, rights, and intellectual work of many fellow Italians who are in the movie industry: the Writers Guild Italia. An easy name for a complex task …
How hard it must be to leave the homeland as a child and be left all alone to settle in a new country, learning a foreign language and starting a completely different life with no family connections or support? Many …
Italy is incredibly rich in art treasures, but quite a number of them is regrettably damaged or neglected due to the passing of time or other factors. Among them was also Giorgio Vasari’s monumental painting Last Supper, separated into 5 …
When he performed for his neighbors as a child, Fabrizio Mancinelli already knew what he wanted: “One of my biggest dreams was, one day, to compose for Disney…”. Natural talent and determination. Add a hint of fortune and, as …
Seguendo le orme del Consolato Generale d’Italia, che si è trasferito nello stesso stabile lo scorso anno, alcuni giorni fa l’ex Italian Trade Commission, ora Italian Trade Agency, ha inaugurato la nuova sede nel cuore di Century City a Los …
Nelle ultime settimane il cinema è stato al centro dell’attenzione, com’è normale che sia nella città di Hollywood e nel periodo delle competizioni più attese, i Golden Globes e gli Academy Awards. Ma quest’anno al tradizionale interesse per le premiazioni …