Los Angeles
Una rivoluzione dell’editoria paragonabile a quella dell’e-book? Non bisogna guardare in avanti per immaginare scenari futuristici, ma ripercorrere la storia a ritroso. E precisamente al XV secolo, puntando la lente d’ingrandimento su una Venezia spesso sconosciuta anche negli ambienti accademici …
From the Embassy’s magnificent headquarters in Washington D.C., Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero traveled to the West Coast on his official visit to California and – for the first time ever – to Oregon, in the week of March 8th. While …
Reduce dall’acclamato successo al Metropolitan di New York, l’appassionato e vibrante Hoffman, vola a Los Angeles per esibirsi in uno straordinario recital di liriche da camera e arie d’opera. Abilmente accompagnato dal pianista italo–americano Vincenzo Scalera, maestro collaboratore al Teatro …
Former President Ronald Reagan was the only movie star to ever become President of the United States. For some odd reason, there has never been a biopic film about Ronald Reagan, until now. Italian-American and ex-Disney Channel star, David …
With such a deep passion for both Italian culture and U.S innovation, Italian-American Cosimo Pizzulli has definitely left his mark in both worlds. A sculptor, interior designer, and innovator himself, Cosimo has become the head of an architectural firm that …
Roberto Salvatore Cani was born to Sicilian parents on October 17, 1967 in Milan. His masterly technique as a violinist is corroborated by numerous awards won in prestigious international competitions: from the Paganini Competition (Genoa, 1990) to the Jeunesses Musicales …
“Che sta in mezzo alle terre”. Volendo ricostruire con rigore etimologico il significato del termine “Mediterraneo” – in riferimento ovviamente al Mare che divide Europa, Asia e Africa – dovremmo risalire ai termini “Mèdius” (in mezzo) e “Terràneus” (terra), e …
We welcome and extend our hearts to you. Come be a part of our Annual Feast of St. Joseph’s Table at St. Benedict Church Parish Hall, 1022 West Cleveland Avenue, Montebello, CA, on Saturday, March 21, 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 …
The International Women’s Day is their day, and the D.I.V.E. of Los Angeles celebrated it with an exquisite dinner at the Skylight Gardens in Westwood, hosted by Miranda Barone. On this special occasion, the members’ monthly meeting was dedicated to …
In una delle scene più celebri di “Miseria e Nobiltà” (film di Mario Mattioli del 1954 interpretato da Totò), a un gruppo di popolani napoletani squattrinati viene servita un’intera pentola di pasta al pomodoro. Non solo: due camerieri ben vestiti …