With unprecedented cooperation from people who knew and worked with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, film director Daniele Luchetti offers a thoughtful, compelling account of the life of the man who would become Pope Francis in the two-part series “Francesco — Il …
Even though Dante Alighieri lived more than a century and a half before the Renaissance master Sandro Botticelli, the two of them seem to be linked by some kind of mysterious connection. The famed painter of such masterpieces as The …
Sandcastles, sightseeing, sunflowers, spiaggia, sandali, sole, Sardinia, Sicily. Summer in Italy is famous for many things, but box office cinema is not one of them. While box offices take a swan dive, moviegoers flock to the piazzas, parks, and …
Alexia Melocchi, native of Milan, Italy, spent her teenage years in Los Angeles and, at a very young age, crossed the gateway to Hollywood. Since around the year 2000, she has been holding the doors to the US market …