Are you looking for a fresh, upbeat original Italian television series? Are you searching for love? On both accounts, your quests may be easier than you think! All you need to do is gaze up at the stars… and then pick up your TV remote and tune in to the new romantic Netflix comedy Guida astrologica per cuori infranti (Astrological Guide to Broken Hearts).
Now streaming on Netflix is a brand-new Italian television series set in Torino created and directed by Bindu de Stoppani and Michela Andreozzi based on the best-selling 2015 novel by Silvia Zucca. The show, filmed in Italian, is available with Italian and English subtitles or dubbed in English. I highly recommend watching the original language version (with Italian or English subtitles if necessary) as it is a much better and more authentic viewing experience.
Plot teaser: In her early thirties and single (not by choice), Alice (Claudia Gusmano) works as a production assistant for a small television network with limited career options. However, she is often the most competent person in the room. As if that weren’t enough, her ex-boyfriend Carlo (Alberto Paradossi) is about to marry and become a father. Added to this is the arrival of Davide (Michele Rosiello), the new fascinating and mysterious creative director hired to assess the team’s productivity and fire whoever isn’t pulling their weight. Alice’s life, however, is about to change completely thanks to meeting Tio (Lorenzo Adorni), an actor from the network’s top soap opera and a self-styled guru of astrology, destined to become Alice’s personal astrological guide to broken hearts.
Now, you might be a bit skeptical, believing, as Alice does at the beginning of the series, that astrology is una cretinata (a bunch of nonsense). Nevertheless, just like our protagonist, I bet you read your horoscope from time to time! Who knows if the stars can guide us to our destinies, but I say, better err on the right side of love, giusto? After all, che male c’è? — Where’s the harm in that!?”
I found the new Italian Netflix TV commedia rosa (romcom) entertaining and delightful. Season One of Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti has been available since October 2021 and consists of six episodes. The show has been renewed, and Season Two is due out soon. I confess Season One’s cliffhanger was too much to bear, so I went straight to Amazon and found the Italian edition of Silvia Zucca’s novel in print, epub, and Audiobook. Taking a step further, I started an Italian book club and selected Zucca’s novel as the club’s first read. You too can participate in group or individual book club meetings to read and discuss Zucca’s novel.
Mi raccomando! I heartily encourage you to pick up the book or watch the show Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti on Netflix and find out if Alice, guided by Tio and the stars, really does find true love and her lieto fine.