Crecchio is a small village located in the province of Chieti, within the Abruzzo region in central Italy, known for its well-preserved historical features, including its striking castle. It is also a member of the I Borghi più Belli d’Italia (The Most Beautiful …
The Fiera di Sant’Orso in Aosta is a centuries-old tradition that celebrates the region’s rich craftsmanship and folklore. It is held annually on January 30th and 31st and is one of the most important events in the Aosta Valley’s calendar. The event traces …
The Italian word botti (boht-tee, singular botto) carries an aura of mystery in its etymology. Its meaning, denoting a sharp blow or crack, leads us to consider its possible connection to another Italian word, botta, a term rooted in the …
Bobbio is a charming small town located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, within the province of Piacenza. Nestled in the valley of the Trebbia River, it is about 45 kilometers (28 miles) southwest of the provincial capital. The town …
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th holds a special place in Italy’s cultural and religious calendar because it marks the beginning of the Christmas season. On this day, the Catholics celebrate the belief that the Virgin Mary …
These days, fashion is all about the idea of “quiet luxury,” and perhaps no brand speaks its language better than Bottega Veneta. In 1966, Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro established Bottega Veneta in Vicenza (Veneto), with a primary focus on …
Many are familiar with the founding date of Rome, the 21st of April. But have you ever wondered about the birth of the Roman Empire? Unlike the city’s legendary foundation, the inception of the Roman Empire isn’t marked by a singular, …
The Etruscans and ancient Romans were early pioneers in the development of dentures. They crafted early dental prosthetics from various materials, including human and animal teeth. Ancient dentures were designed to replace missing teeth and were likely more for aesthetic …
The word qualunque (kwa-loon-kwai) has a rich and intriguing linguistic journey. It comes from the Latin qualiscumque, a combination of qualis (meaning “what kind of”) and cumque (meaning “whichever” or “any”), which is Italian gave qual(e) and the suffix -unque, a common method in our language for creating words that express …
Today’s word is perfect for this time of the year! The term addobbo (ahd-dohb-boh, plural addobbi) primarily signifies “decoration” or “ornament,” as noted in various dictionaries and translations, and derives from the verb addobbare, which means “to decorate,” coupled with …