
I vecchi romani, quelli che abitano a piazza Cavour, via Labicana oppure nelle stradine che si inerpicano verso il Celio, non si sono per nulla sorpresi una volta appreso che, sopra il Colosseo, insomma a due passi da casa loro, …

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At a scant 157 pages, Petros Maneos’ self-styled “novella in letters” entitled, The Italian Pleasures of Gabriele Paterkallos, is brief—but far from effortless—reading.   The premise appears to be that the narrating character, Gabriele, is a student of literature and …

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America’s one-time favorite pastime, baseball, has reached its midway point as the 83rd All-Star game was played in Kansas City on Tuesday, July 10, 2012.  Baseball, is still recovering from the ominous images and stories of steroid abuse that plagued …

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If the decades following World War II were the Italian cinema’s golden age, Italian actresses were the ones who made it sparkle and gleam. The earthy, mercurial Anna Magnani embodied the unvarnished emotional and moral force of neo-realism. Giulietta Masina’s …

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An artist that gives food-inspired titles to his albums has to be one of a kind. Also, he has to be somehow Italian. Award winning musician Michéal Castaldo was born in Calabria, but grew up in Canada, when he moved …

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“Io t’amo, o Cefalù, patria diletta,/amo il tuo azzurro cielo, il tuo bel mare,/amo la roccia tua, l’antica vetta,/amo il tuo campanile, il tuo parlare…../ Resto grata a colui che ti rispetta,/a quegli che il tuo nome fa lodare/a chi …

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Olive trees are the most often cited trees in western literature as evidenced by Lawrence Durrell’s poetic comment, “A taste older than meat, older than wine.” This statement places olives almost at the level of bread; as the Italian say, …

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Great music, happy revelers, and fantastic Italian food helped make the fourth annual Festa Coloniale Italiana a rousing success. The last local Italian street festival in San Francisco kicked off Saturday morning under sunny skies; perfect weather brought out the …

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La data del 16 agosto marca come da tradizione l’appuntamento annuale con l’evento più atteso della tradizione folkloristica di tutta la regione Toscana: la seconda e conclusiva corsa equestre del celebre Palio di Siena.   Come ogni anno fino dal …

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Sicilian poet Senzio Mazza was born in 1934 in Linguaglossa, Sicily.  Throughout his long, successful career, he has won many prizes, including most recently the 2010 Città di Giarre. Though he has published eight previous collections of poetry in his …

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