The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is back for it’s 5th edition and showcases Italy and the Italian taste in the world. The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a yearly initiative developed to promote Italian …
Indovina (een-doh-vee-nah) comes from the word indovinare, which means to guess. This little verb of ours is worthy of some more discussion. It comes from the vulgar Latin indivinare and, through it, from the Latin divinare, to foretell. So, indovinare …
Happy Christmas, Buon Natale a tutti! Festivities, even in this dreadful Covid-19 climate, remain a time to think positive and smile. And is there a better way to celebrate that making a toast? In English, we use the word cheers, …
Christmas traditions in Italy are varied and each region has a bunch of its own. In Naples, one of the most popular involves eel, or capitone as it’s commonly known in the city of Parthenope. On Christmas Eve, capitone is …
Those familiar with the Christmas presents’ delivery business know there is more than one person in charge. Santa may be the most popular, but kids from the northern regions of Europe do get early parcels from Saint Nicholas, and Italian …
Un tempo nelle vie e nelle piazzette dei nostri villaggi erano presenti immagini ed edicole dedicate alla Madonna. Alcune sono ancora visibili, nonostante l’incuria e l’azione del tempo. La pietà popolare esprimeva in questo modo il proprio affettuoso legame con …
We all use it, but where does it come from, really? And how should we translate it into English? These are the two, most pressing questions associated with our expression of the day, alla faccia (ahl-la fah-tcha). According to our …
In a year of uncertainty, and even with the shutdown due to the pandemic, ‘Westside Italian Culture’ group kept moving forward. The group was started in January of 2016, and grew in numbers while serving the Italian community by celebrating, …
“Il mio albero di Natale è il più bello del mondo”. Questo è quello che pensavo da piccola quando, incantata, osservavo dal basso quell’abete luminoso e colorato che mi sembrava altissimo, maestoso, il più grande che avessi mai visto. Oggi, …
If there is one thing Italy has been missing since lockdown orders were enforced again , it’s aperitivo. Whether it was a quick one after the office, a weekly way to catch up with friends, or just a weekend occurrence …