Trulli during Alberobello light Festival
Alberobello, city of the trulli, expresses sympathy to all the world’s cities that have been victims of the destroying force of terror-disseminating people. Only a few weeks to Christmas: our wish is that the light of love among peoples may shine again, warming everybody’s heart.
From December 5th until January 6th, 2016 the trulli will be illuminated with multicoloured lights, so as to send out a message of peace and solidarity to all innocent victims. Stars, crescent moons, Christmas symbols and crystals shall be projected onto the cone-shaped roofs, creating a dreamlike and peaceful atmosphere. UN’s General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based technologies, with the aim of raising civic and political awareness around light’s vital role in our daily lives. Unesco and several scientific organizations, educational institutions, research centres, and technology platforms have come together to answer the challenge.
The UN’s proclamation ad Unesco’s endorsement start from the fact that 2015 marks a few important anniversaries: the first studies on optics carried out by arab Ibn  Al-Haytham in 1015, Albert Einstein’s discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect in 1905, and progress in light transmission through Charles K. Kao’s research on fiber optics and his results in 1965.
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