Vatican says one million people visited Jubilee events
According to ANSA, the Vatican has received one million religious pilgrims in the first month of Jubilee year events, according to an article written in Vatican daily Osservatore Romano by Monsignor Rino Fisichella, who was chosen by Pope Francis to direct the Jubilee.
Despite this being a “decentralised” Jubilee, with Holy Doors being opened in Catholic dioceses across the world, Fisichella said Rome is still the “protagonist of the Jubilee”. In the article published January 8, the archbishop said the exact number of visitors so far is 1,025,000, and said although the number isn’t important in a spiritual dimension, it indicates “an intense participation and a perceived need”.
The number seems to refute predictions that Jubilee Year attendance would suffer due to terrorism worries, especially in central areas like the Vatican’s “high street”, Via della Conciliazione, which connects Castel Sant’Angelo to St. Peter’s Square
News by ANSA
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