The popular ‘tramezzino’ sandwich has celebrated its 90th birthday in Italy o Friday and it is now a more popular lunchtime meal than pasta or pizza.
The origins of the tramezzino, which is usually made with two pieces of white bread with the crusts cut off, can be traced back to the caffè Mulassano in Turin. It was there that the Italian writer Gabriele D’Annunzio, observing the shape of the sandwich that he was biting into, said it resembled the ‘tramezze’, meaning partition walls, of his home in the countryside.
The tramezzino has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the growing number of Italians who have abandoned a traditional long lunch and now opt for on-the-go lunchtime meals. Some 34% of Italians eat a tramezzino or a panino for lunch, according to Fipe Confcommercio, which represents retail and catering businesses. It comes ahead of pizza (33,8%) and a simple plate of pasta (29,8%).