…also the first SFIAC member to cross the finish line. Among the women, the youngest one to cross the finish line was Melissa Amato. Five of the walkers—Deborah Savno, Karen…

By Staff

…l’origano, il coriandolo, l’erba cipollina, la maggiorana, il dragoncello, la menta, il finocchietto, l’aneto, la verbena, l’alloro, l’isoppo, la lavanda, la citronella, la liquirizia, la melissa, la nepitella, la pimpinella,…

By Staff

…che narra la storia di Zeus (Giove). Appena nato la madre Rhea, per allontanarlo dalle ire del padre Cronos, lo affidò alla capra Amalthea e all’ape Melissa perché non gli…

…artefici del successo di queste nuove star digitali dalla Blonde Salad di Chiara Ferragni ad Alessia Marcuzzi fino a Melissa Satta c’è Karim De Martino, dal 2015 responsabile commerciale e…

By Staff

…in the film, but is Melissa in real life. When we first met her, before we started filming, she was happy and smiling, very cute. But from the very first…

…ended up living in Naples. What did you like the best about Naples? Saluti da San Diego, Melissa, and thanks for having me on your great website. I’ve been receiving…

By Staff

…like Osiel Gouneo, Angelo Greco, Melissa Hamilton, Misa Kuranaga, and Skylar Brandt. The event, held on July 23rd at Charles Krug winery, followed by the Patron Dinner at Raymond Vineyards,…

…and were hard at work as usual. The rest of the Board of Directors could be seen everywhere doing their parts as well:  Past President Marilyn Bermani Baum, Melissa Amato,…

…una bimba, mentre per il lancio del brand Maelie c’era Melissa Satta. Tra le iniziative speciali l’anteprima del film “Let the journey begin”, prodotto da Pitti Immagine, in cui l’azienda…