Welcome to our daily report from the Saint Francis Pilgrimage 2016. We’ll be following the day by day of the pilgrimage through the eyes (and feet) of our ambassador Libby, who has joined a group of International pilgrims to explore Central Italy on the footsteps of Saint Francis, with the final goal of reaching Rome to meet Pope Francis for a dedicated Papal audience in the Vatican.
Libby will be sharing with us her daily adventures as a pilgrim, describing the places, the people and the initiatives that she will experience on her “cammino francescano”. We’ll be virtually following our ambassador by posting all her updates on this page, sharing with our readers the complete coverage of the initiative organized by Regione Umbria and the Saint Francis Consortium, in collaboration with our content partners ItaliaSlowTour.
Stay tuned for updates on the Saint Francis pilgrimage via our social media spaces, or simply bookmark this page in your browser to enjoy with us the slow-paced experience of a spiritual adventure on the footsteps of the saint patron of Italy, who also inspired His Holiness the Pope when he decided to adopt Saint Francis’ name. Explore with us Assisi and Rome, as well as less famous but nonetheless beautiful locations across Central Italy, learning about their culture, traditions, people and gastronomic treats, on a spiritual path of discovery.

The fountain and the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. The Pope’s principal church. Vintage— Photo by Photocreo

Beautiful view of the ancient town of Assisi with dramatic cloudscape in golden evening light, Umbria, Italy.— Photo by pandionhiatus3