In a few months, Italians will be electing their new Prime Minister. Italians all over the world will also have the chance to vote from abroad. It’s the first election since the collapse of the financial crisis; this is not only a choice of ideals and political views, but a chance for Italy to reemerge from one of the worst phases of the latest history.
In this social climate and hope for a change is born Riparte il Futuro (Restart the Future), the first entirely digital campaign against corruption signed by Gruppo Abele and Libera, two important associations well known for their activism against organized crime. This last one in particular is associated with the name of Luigi Ciotti, leader of several campaigns against organized crime, including the 1,200,000 postcards of “corrotti” addressed to President Giorgio Napolitano last year.
Differently from many other previous campaigns, Riparte il Futuro faces corruption as a real economic and financial issue that is mining Italy’s stability, rather than a social problem. To fight crime and corruption means to fight a money waste scenario. A few months ago, Transparency International, the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption, released the official world ranking of corruption, placing Italy at the 72nd place on the list (
Alberto Vannucci, director of the Master in Analysis, Prevention and Fighting of the Organized Crime and Corruption at the University of Pisa, recently stated that there are no clear data regarding the money Italy wastes or must pay every year because of corruption; however, money wasted for corruption is money taken from citizens’ salaries.
Each politician running for this upcoming election has now the chance to join the campaign and commit against corruption, offering the electorate a proof of transparency, integrity and responsibility. Politicians’ involvement will also give a signal of interest in filling the gap between institutions and citizens, a relationship undermined by a reciprocal lack of faith.
Riparte il Futuro logo
Riparte il Futuro logo
How it works.
Joining the campaign is very easy. Politicians willing to commit can easily do it through starting January 8, 2013; the list of those joining the campaign will be constantly updated on the website, where everyone will be able to see who is in and who is not, even from abroad. Everyone interested can also subscribe to the website, in order to receive updates.
Each politician who intends to participate will be asked to make public on Riparte il Futuro website these basic information;
a) His/Her detailed resume, including educational and professional career;
b) Any legal action against him/her, both ongoing or concluded (if at fault);
c) His/Her income and assets. This point is already mandatory in many other countries and has the only purpose to verify the congruence between income, financial asset and occupation;
d) Any situation of potential conflict of interest. Currently, Italy doens’t have a law that regulates this issue, therefore we think this should be a voluntary act through which a candidate shares with the electorate any situation of potential confict between his own interest and the interest of citizens.
e) As last step, we ask the candidate to include as part of his political campaign the commitment to reinforce the law 416, which regulates the connections between politics and mafia.
Furthermore, each politician will be given a blank page to share opinions and to propose more commitments he’s willing to take. Once completed the procedure, the name of the candidate is added to the list available at By looking at the list, voters will have the opportunity to make a more conscious choice.
100 days.
Riparte il Futuro will support and monitor the adhesions from inside the institutions, to make sure each petitioner is keeping up with his commitment.
We expect hundred days to be sufficient to start realizing the promises made. In fact, each candidate will be given a white bracelet with the 100 days logo, a symbol of the politician’s commitment in facing corruption.
“The more we are, both at the Parliament and all over the cities of Italy, and the more chances of success we’ll have” say the promoters. But their job will continue even after the 100 days; the first results will only be a starting point to enhance and improve the campaign. Starting in Fall 2013, they will focus on new commitments related to the fight against crime, by launching further campaigns and by monitoring institutions and politicians. There’s a lot to work on to bring Italy back to a country based on legality.
“We truly believe that through the white bracelets the future can start again” declare the organizers.
Visit Riparte il Futuro, and don’t forget to vote! For information on how to vote from abroad, please visit the webpage of the Consulate General of Italy at….
On the website the updated list of politicians officially committed against corruption in Italy. This way, every voter will have the chance to make a more transparent choice.