Rafhael's paintings in Turin
La Visione di Ezechiele is on of the most beautiful paintings by Raffaello
An exhibit at the Venaria museum near Turin, exploring the Renaissance painter Raphael’s extraordinary influence on decorative arts, opened its doors. Nine original works by Raphael (1483-1520) and 130 pieces of decorative arts reflecting his legacy are on show at the exhibition Raffaello, Sole delle Arti (Raphael, Sun of the Arts), which will remain open through January 24.
Raphael’s paintings inspired a rich production of tapestries, glass work, engravings, ceramics, silver and gold, which saw his influence carried on through techniques used even after his death. The show, curated by Gabriele Barucca and Sylvia Perino along with a scientific committee chaired by Vatican Museums Director Antonio Paolucci, was inspired by the restoration of a tapestry, The Miraculous Catch, located at the Venaria Museum. The 1520 tapestry depicts the famous episode in the New Testament in which Jesus instructs the apostle Peter to cast his net one last time – an effort that yields an enormous haul of fish after a previously fruitless night of effort.
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