St. Peter’s Italian Catholic Church, Los Angeles – Located in the old section of Los Angeles, formerly Little Italy, St. Peter’s is a beacon of hope for Italians and those in need of help.
It’s hard to believe that in such a great city as Los Angeles we have a multitude of people struggling to eat and survive.  Compassion, care and common sense make the help that St. Peter’s Italian Catholic Church provides to those in need of help a blessing.  You too can help and make a difference by volunteering or providing contributions of blankets, clothing, food, or funds. According to Father Raniero Alessandrini, Pastor at St. Peter’s,  any help is welcome and the Italian community has been a leader in providing help to those in need.  St. Peter’s feeds over 100 people a day free from 10AM to 12PM and many volunteers come to help every day.
Another way to help is to attend the Combined Feast of St. Peter and Our Lady of Mount Carmel at St. Peter’s. Ada Iezza chairperson of the event along with an extended Committee of society presidents and parishioners organized this event dedicated to help feed and cloth people in desperate need.  The Mass and feast will be held on July 15, 2012. Mass will be at 10:30 AM and procession following, dinner at 1:00 PM. 
The contribution for a wonderful Italian dinner at Casa Italiana is $40.00 for adults and  $20.00 for children under 12.  A raffle will be available that day to help this cause.
Mark your calendar, send a check and be a part of a cause that really makes a difference to many, many people. 
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 15, 2012 Mass 10:30  AM, Dinner at 1:00PM. Call 323-225-8119, ext 10 for tickets.  Contributions of blankets, clothing, food and funds welcome. 
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