The Galleria Carracci in the Palazzo Farnese, the home of the French embassy, has finally been restored. The masterpiece, painted between 1597 and 1608 by Annibale Carracci, his brother Agostino and their pupils, has reopened after an 18-month restoration.

Almost 800,000 euros was received in funding from the World Monuments Fund, the largest private organization for the protection of historic monuments in the world, and 200,000 euros from Rome’s special superintendent’s office for museums. Italy’s culture minister praised the international nature of it, saying that ”the true meaning of the expression ‘world heritage’ is seen within: Italian owned, headquarters of the French embassy and done with private international funding.”

Staring in September, the gallery will be open to visitors three days and week, as well as September 19-20 as part of European Heritage Days.

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