Tourists in Florence. Photo: Raluca Tudor/Dreamstime

Victoria’s trip in Italy has officially started. Her return to Italia began in the “cradle of the Renaissance”, Florence!

My Day on the “Other Side”…of the Arno River, That Is!
There are so many reasons to return to Florence–once you have seen the most famous and not-to-be missed sites, including, of course, the Uffizi, the Accademia (David!), and the famous Duomo, as well as wandering around Piazza della Signoria and Ponte Vecchio –for starters; then there’s Palazzos Vecchio and Medici Riccardi, the Bargello, and the Medici Chapels…!
Do your feet hurt yet?? Well, if you’re looking for a quieter and less tourist trodden quarter of Florence, just cross over the river your to the Oltrarno–literally, beyond the Arno. 
I decided to explore the Oltrarno today. Starting out from my B&B (which is very close to the Uffizi), my first stop was the grand Pitti Palace. Since I have already toured seen much of the collection (which I highly recommend) as well as the Boboli Gardens, I wanted to visit the Galleria del Costume (Costume Gallery). Incredibly they have several pieces of clothing of Cosimo I Di Medici and his wife, Eleonora that were recovered and restored (it took 10 years!) when there remains were moved. The other fascinating and quite glam exhibit is of clothing of trend-setting, extraordinary women… 
My next stop? No, not shopping… It’s time for lunch! I’ve taken notes on great eats to be found in a small piazza nearby, Piazza della Passera. A short and pleasant walk through mostly residential streets with tempting and shops–and may I add uncrowded–I make my way there.
Charming and local–and a refreshing change from the crowds–I have several delicious choices. I decide on  5e Cinque.o I think that the photo says at all, don’t you??
Still savoring my perfect pranzo, I thought it might be time to pray that my spandex would not fail me and headed for the Brancacci Chapel followed by a visit to Santo Spirito. 
And the perfect finale to this perfect day in the Oltrarno?? Gelato & a little shopping of course! 

Would you like to spend a week in the wonderful city of Florence and experience the real charm of the cradle of Rinascimento? Here is what you need to do! Get “The Italian Gourmet Holiday Raffle” tickets to get a chance to visit one of the most breathtaking cities in the world. (20% will be donated to the “I Love Norcia” association to support the reconstruction of the town, dramatically hit by the recent earthquake). 

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