People in Venice celebrate today the Festa della Salute, which is a moment to remember the bout of pestilence, started in 1630 and lasted for two years. At that point, the Doge decided to ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

History says that, in 1630, fifty years after the plague, the disease hit Venice once again and the Doge, Nicolò Contarini, made a public vow to erect a church called the Salute, asking for the Virgin Mary’s divine intercession to help against the plague. The construction of the church opened a competition to which eleven architects took part: the winner was Baldassarre Longhena, who was able to design and capture the magnificence of a church which exalted the Holy Virgin and the Republic at the same time.

During the “Festa della Salute”, tradition says that people have to cross the votive bridge and reach the majestic Salute Church to show gratitude and ask the Virgin Mary to keep them in good health. This year, the feast will also be an opportunity to visit the Fenice theatre: Venetian residents will be able to get in for free.

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