I love a good cup of coffee! I’ve been a coffee drinker one ever since I can remember. Yes that long! In fact, since grade school, breakfast was a cup of half coffee and half milk (and once in a while half and half was a treat) along with something on the sweet side.
Yep, you guessed it, I was raised in an Italian family and Italians simply don’t do what Americans think of as “breakfast”… Although coffee has always been part of my morning routine, as a rule I don’t drink it during the day…except when I go to Italy. I still remember my first espresso. That teeny tiny cup with that teeny tiny sip… Whoa, it sure packed a punch!
And, here’s the thing; once you’ve had Italian coffee…there’s just nothing like it anywhere. For about 90 cents (euro) which is still less than a $1.00 USD, you will get the freshest most divine espresso!
And cappuccino, caffè latte, macchiato, and the other fabulous specialties won’t cost you a fortune like they do in the States and elsewhere. It took me a long time to figure out why coffee is so much better in Italy. Was it the water? The beans? The machine? The technique? Maybe the cute barista? Maybe all of the above?
Well, after touring a premiere coffee producer in Puglia, I got it! The light bulb went on — Italian coffee is superior because Italians are serious coffee aficionados; they are discerning (and I would say uncompromising) coffee experts and absolutely demand the absolute best every time!
Taking a break for an espresso or other variation of coffee is one of life’s little pleasures and, however brief, it should always be enjoyable and satisfying.