La vita italiana

Today, Margie tells about her meeting with a friend in Venice. Let’s see what she discovered during her tour. One of the benefits of social media is meeting people with similar interests from all over the world. I have known …

A great amount of applications for positions on the boards of directors at Italy’s top 20 museums have been received by Italian Culture Minister, after the decision, for the first time ever, of allowing an international call for applications for …

By Staff

Long before the romantic, peaceful “flower power” movement of the 1960s in which hippies decorated their cars and homes with flowers, cities in Italy were decorating their streets and alleyways with pretty, intricate flower petal designs. Since the 1600s, certain …

Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Emperors of Rome and  an important philosopher, was born on April 26, 121 AD, the son of Marcus Annius Verus and  Domitia Lucilla, who were both from wealthy patrician families.  Despite their status, they practiced the old …

  Last October, the Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) unveiled a major installation of sculpture, drawing, and experimental photography by acclaimed modernist Medardo Rosso, revealing the exceptional range of an artist known chiefly for his three-dimensional work. Initially derided …

By Staff

Auguri a tutte le mamme! As L’Italo-Americano, we want to wish Happy Mother’s day to moms in the world! According to the Wall Street Journal, Italian Moms are the best because they are unique in the way they give love …

For the next 27 years, slave uprisings seemed to be a thing of the past.  During this time, however, gladiator games had become one of the more popular forms of entertainment in Rome.  So much so, that a number of …

Piazza della Signoria, Piazza del Plebiscito, Piazza Navona, Piazza San Marco: listing few among the most famous piazze in Italy would be enough to understand the deep meaning of a place that most Italians consider like home. In fact, the …

The history of slavery dates back to a time well before the founding of Rome.  Historical records indicate that slavery had been in existence four thousand years before the birth of Christ.  In many civilizations, the use of slaves was …

One of my favorite  aspects of the Italian lifestyle is the late afternoon and early evening ritual known as la passeggiata, or the evening stroll. Each evening, between the hours of 5pm and 8pm, Italians take to the streets, to …

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