For more than 45 years, Frank Isernio’s life has revolved around sausage. As with many Italian families, food played a central role in the day-to-day life of this Seattle native. His mother Angetina prepared delicious meals with fresh ingredients from …
Charming, energetic and passionate about the arts, Gian-Carlo Scandiuzzi has been a shot in the arm for Seattle’s ACT Theatre since he joined the staff in 2007. Initially, Scandiuzzi ran ACT’s Central Heating Lab, which supports new works and theatrical …
The interplay between light and space fascinates Seattle artist Iole Alessandrini. Her complex site-specific installations use controlled environments to explore these elements, often incorporating custom-built lasers, mirrors and other optics. By adding video, music or computerized sound, she creates an …
Ask outdoor enthusiast Craig Romano what has most influenced his life and his answer comes quickly and confidently: his Italian heritage and his New Hampshire roots. A resident of Mt. Vernon, Wash., about 60 miles north of Seattle, and …
Perhaps no single architect has had a more profound influence on the buildings and public places that defined 20th-century Seattle than Fred Bassetti. From the Seattle Aquarium to the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, from Woodland Park Children’s Zoo to …
In 1903, several national figures made their way to the shores of Puget Sound, no easy feat at the time. In April of that year, John C. Olmstead, stepson of landscape designer Frederick Law Olmstead, arrived to plan out the …
This is the story of two cities on two continents brought together by a visionary corporate executive and a mutual love of onions. In December, if all goes according to plan, Walla Walla, Wash., famous for the sweet onion that …
Pioneer Square is the heart of Seattle. Settled in 1852 by men and women who were drawn to its protected deep-water harbor, the area burned to the ground in 1889 when a fast-moving blaze consumed 29 blocks of mostly wooden …
The very best in Italian contemporary film is the hallmark of Cinema Italian Style, a film festival that runs November 12–19 in Seattle. In just a few years’ time, this popular series has become one of the city’s most exciting …
In an industrial area just south of downtown Seattle, under the shadow of CenturyLink Field and down the street from several auto repair shops, sits a small nondescript brick building whose no-frills exterior belies its interior hidden treasures. Known as …