San Francisco

Per la prima volta nella storia del più antico evento sportivo internazionale, la competizione di vela dell’America’s Cup, insieme agli esperti team in gara ufficiale sono chiamate a partecipare le squadre giovanili under 25 di alcune nazioni selezionate, le quali …

By Staff

Almeno una volta all’anno, Federico Rampini viene invitato nella Bay Area come ospite speciale in importanti conferenze universitarie, o a presentare i sui libri spesso incentrati su un’attenta analisi della società americana e italiana, come nei due volumi “San Francisco-Milano”. …

By Staff

Italian Innovation Day, The Future of Information Technology, Clean Tech Italia in San Francisco On the occasione of “2013 Year of Italian Culture in the US” the Consulate General of Italy and the Italian Institute of Culture of San Francisco …

Tastes of Italy: A Food Tasting to Benefit San Francisco’s Official Italian Language School  The Istituto Italiano Scuola is proud to present a fundraising event to promote and increase awareness of its mission of providing excellent quality teaching of the …

A meno di un miglio dal centro geografico della City, in un’area una volta occupata solo da strade di terra e caseifici, il quartiere di Eureka Valley rappresenta l’eclettismo di San Francisco con il suo mix di storia, gente amichevole, …

By Staff

Recentemente L’Italo-Americano è andato a visitare La Piccola Scuola Italiana a San Francisco, insieme alla direttrice Valentina Imbeni. Dopo la pubblicazione della prima parte dell’incontro con due delle ideatrici del progetto, ecco la seconda parte dell’intervista.   Uno dei precetti …

By Staff

As part of “Italy Tech Week” that has just successfully taken place in the Bay Area, acclaimed Italian journalist and writer Federico Rampini has come back to San Francisco to present his latest book “Non ci possiamo più mermettere uno …

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Less than a mile from the geographic center of The City, in an area that was once comprised of dirt roads and dairy farms, the Eureka Valley is a typical San Francisco neighborhood displaying an eclectic mix of old and …

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An interesting book presentation will be hosted at the Italian Cultural Institute on Tuesday, March 19. In her work “Sustenance. Food Traditions in Italy’s Heartland”, Elizabeth Wholey speaks about her life experience in the region “green heart of Italy”, Umbria. …

Italian Community Meets the Champions of Italian Sailing Maserati and Team Italy celebrated at the Italian Consulate and Mona Lisa Restaurant Last week was one of the most exciting ever for sport lovers in the Italian community, as San Francisco …

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