
It’s 8:59 am on a dank, drizzly Sunday morning. The spritely painted KBOO building in southeast Portland brightens up the gray day. Inside, the cramped studio is abuzz with activity: microphones are checked; earphones are clamped upon unsuspecting heads; CDs …

In 1951, Portland’s Italian-American business community came together to assist with the recovery of the disastrous flood of Italy’s Po River. Soon afterwards, they decided that Portland needed a permanent Italian-American organization resulting in the formation of the Italian Businessmen’s …

The tents are down, the stage is packed away and the piazza transitions back to Pioneer Courthouse Square.  For 23 years Festa Italiana has welcomed thousands of people to celebrate Italian American culture in Portland, Oregon.  This year, the festa …

By Staff

As Italian-Americans, most of us have grown up hearing the stories of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents “coming over” from the old country. After years of hearing the same stories over and over, the memories become our own.  We can …

Andrea Algieri, lead singer of Mbrascatu, is announcing the release of their second album, Tempo.  They will be hosting a special release event at Mississippi Studios in Portland on January 2, 2015.  Andrea has come a long way since his …

On a recent autumn afternoon, a small group of people from the Amici d’Italia and the Vancouver USA Sons of Italy gathered at Maryhill Winery to share a few games of bocce, a potluck of antipasti, and some of the …

The Roseway Neighborhood of northeast Portland is excited to have their own version of Little Italy opening up on the corners of NE 67th and Sandy Boulevard!     Bacchi’s Italian Delicatessen opened in 2013 and quickly became a destination …

By Staff

Summertime has arrived and with it a constant flurry of activity.  Festivals celebrating beer, music, and food abound throughout Portland, but the best of them all – at least for the Italian community – is the Festa Italiana!  This year …

Portland has a rich Italian heritage, beginning with the early immigrants of the late 1880’s.  In 1954, two men from the Italian Businessmen’s Club, Carl Sposito and Santo Porco, started a banquet to honor that Italian heritage Every year after, …

Tis the season to be jolly – and extraordinarily busy!  In between shopping, decorating and feasting, there are multitudes of holiday events to attend.   Italy in December is a holiday evening of dining, dancing and merriment that has a …

By Staff
Word of the Day
In Italian
All Around Italy