
La tradizione culinaria del meridione si fa strada in California, grazie alla collaborazione tra Regione Calabria e Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West per il programma di promozione del Sistema Calabria in California.   Circa venti le aziende che hanno aderito …

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Benvenuta primavera e Buona Pasqua! L’arrivo delle vacanze pasquali ci permette di dedicare del tempo alle cose importanti della vita, come il trascorrere del tempo con la famiglia e gli amici, e il guardare i bambini mentre cercano i loro …

Tra gli innumerevoli amanti e appassionati della bella lingua italiana in città, c’è un gruppo in continua crescita che organizza interessanti eventi da ormai quasi dieci anni.   Il Gruppo Meetup di Lingua Italiana di San Francisco è composto oggi …

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America’s Homecoming Queen competition to promote education   America’s Homecoming Queen, a Tennessee non-profit corporation, has been promoting education and community service for high school homecoming queens since 1981. Girls from the fifty U.S. states can participate, but upon invitation only. …

Luna Rossa will arrive soon in the City  While Naples in Italy is getting ready to host the ninth and final America’s Cup World Series event (AC World Series, Apr. 16-21), before the final Louis Vuitton Cup and America’s Cup …

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If you think you have to travel to Italy to find the best olive oil, here’s the good news: America is currently placing on the market some excellent products. Though Italy is home to some of the most renowned oils, …

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Ambassador of Italy to the United Stated Claudio Bisogniero will be visiting Southern California in April, for his second official mission since last Fall. His presence here will honor the success received by the many initiatives for the 2013 – …

Si è inaugurata a Los Angeles una delle mostre d’arte più attese dell’anno, una combinazione unica di dipinti, sculture e installazioni per la prima volta esposte in California. Trasparenza raccoglie trenta opere di Salvatore Emblema, artista campano il cui lavoro …

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Ancient Sicily as a center of cultural innovation An island at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Sicily occupied a pivotal place in antiquity between Greece, North Africa, and the Italian peninsula. The exhibit Sicily: Art and Invention between Greece and …

For nearly a century, the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club has stood by its Latin motto: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano—a healthy mind in a healthy body.  It has also stood by another tradition—women need not apply.     Nowhere …

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