Experts Are Trying To Get Leonardo's DNA Revealed Through His Works
Statue of Leonardo in Milan (Ph: © photoweges)
On December 17, 2015 at 8 p.m. at A.C.T.’s Strand Theater (1127 Market Street, San Francisco), the show is Leonardo’s true life portrayed on stage. Discovering the story behind Leonardo, the painter, the scientist, the inventor. His authentic language, his secrets, methods of working, passions.
Renowned Italian director and actor Massimiliano Finazzer Flory’s latest project brings the immensely multi-talented Leonardo da Vinci to life again on the stage. Being Leonardo da Vinci is a one-act play, which uses theater to stage the Italian genius’s true life, art history and science.
Through the format of an impossible interview, Finazzer Flory “physically” becomes Leonardo. Dressed in period costumes and wearing make up which reconstructs da Vinci’s face, he performs in Renaissance language original texts written by Leonardo himself, among which is the famous “Trattato di pittura”  (Painting Treatise).
Finazzer Flory’s Leonardo answers questions about his childhood, his civil and military activities, and how to become a “good painter” (bono pittore), and about the relationship between Painting and Science, Painting and Sculpture, Painting and Music. He comments on “The Last Supper” and the figures of the apostles, replies to his enemies’ attacks, prophesies man’s flying, and finally offers maxims and aphorisms to live by in our times.
Performed in English and in Italian Renaissance language, with projected Contemporary English titles.
Performance Timing: 70 minutes, with no intermission.
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