varinia cappelletti

First of all, always go for dark bottles that protect their content from light and avoid its oxidation.  Labels should give us basic information: the olives’ geographical origin, their type, where they have been pressed and where the oil has …

This popular pasta shape typical of Salento and usually served with turnip greens or rabbit ragout sauce may have originated in France where, during the Middle Ages, wheat cultivation was common. The flattened shape given to this type of pasta …

This aromatic and smokey cold cut, whose name betrays its Alto Adige origins (speck means “lard” in German), is largely unknown outside of Italy, in spite of being truly delicious. Speck’s tradition is ancient: it already appears in butcheries’ account …

“Le paste ripiene” fanno parte di quell’immenso universo culinario della tradizione italiana caratterizzato da sottili differenze regionali, cittadine e addirittura familiari. A onor del giusto non sono una peculiarità solo italiana. Le si ritrovano in moltissime cucine dell’estremo Oriente e …

There is no toast, no occasion or no celebration that does not invoke the opening of a bottle of sparkling wine…and what if one were to use it for cooking too?  Yes, those little bubbles are also phenomenal in the …

Ed eccola in tutto il suo “spessore” la bistecca alla Fiorentina!  “Perché poi – si dice a Firenze – fuori di Toscana, un la sanno nemen tagliare: la fanno bassa, senza filetto… Basta tu guardi le bistecche disossate! Icché le …

Kakawa is the name given to chocolate by the Olmecs in Central America around the year 1000 B.C., while the Mayans, prior to cultivating it in the area between the Yucatan and the Chapas, from the III and the X …